Kakofonium (PL) / enjoy life showcase
Kakofonium is a pre-temporal mythical TV show watched by the gods.Before the madness of the Multiverse, the Cybertemplars served the Sacred Rage as Those Who Bring Order. The program had to go according to plan. History had to happen as the gods conceived it. The rebellion of the Multiverse changed everything. Now the Cybertemplars are traversing the wired nebula of events, preparing for the Final Crusade. Their anthem is a series of cyberblasts, and their weapon is the Annihilation Preserver stolen from the gods. In songs, hatred for those who defile their faith. In the throats of the words to humble the innocent. The Cybertemplars, seeing all the possible history of music that could ever be created, decided that only black metal could fully express the anger of their burning living viscera.