“Tabula rasa” exhibition

A presentation of the dialogue between the works of Piotr Kowalski and Stach Szumski – two artists from a similar artistic environment, graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the field of Media Arts, who entered the world of visual arts through graffiti, although their current artistic forms differ significantly. Looking at Stach’s works, one can see a strong inspiration from mountains and caves, landscapes that surrounded him for most of his life. The abstractions in his work take on organic, pulsating, almost living forms. In contrast, Piotr’s objects are much more static, raw, and gray; the artist clearly references the urban fabric, using materials commonly employed in the construction sector – concrete and steel.
The concept of Tabula Rasa posits that a person is fully shaped by empirical experiences and their surrounding environment. Observing the works of both artists, it is evident how the environment in which they grew up is reflected in their creations, which perfectly blend into the landscapes around them both substantively and formally. However, it cannot be denied that Piotr’s and Stach’s works share similarities, a common starting point, and an approach to creation. Upon closer inspection, one can notice that both artists draw inspiration from the city and nature – Piotr’s sculptures, though cold and heavy, sometimes take on plant forms – wires become stems, concrete blocks become trunks. Stach, on the other hand, uses symbols from various cultures and contemporary logos in his works, employing modern technologies such as digital prints and jacquards.
The concept of Tabula Rasa places culture above nature and biology. However, as exemplified by both artists, nature is a fundamental and unavoidable aspect of human nature, evoking nostalgia and drawing people in. On the other hand, there is no escape from culture – the contemporary world is one of information and technology, upon which humanity is dependent. Everyone stands at the crossroads of this dualism.