The artist, known among other things for the now-defunct duo La Fureur De Vouivre, seems to hail from another era. She describes herself as follows: “I am a student of field ethnology. I conduct research on the cartography of invisible territories: the lands of non-human beings (elves, trolls, …) in France, Iceland, and Ireland. I am passionate about traditional French music and am creating a collection of very, very old songs, which I try to sing in everyday life.”
Her music can be psychedelic, and its uniqueness is highlighted by her use of a sampler to loop the melodies of wild instruments made of wood, herbs, and reeds. The repetition of melodies, raw percussion, and traditional song structures enhance the sense of trance, while the recurring motifs seem to create unknown and surprising effects in our brains. Her music is fundamentally danceable, often unconventional and quite twisted.
Pauline gives the impression of a being from another time and place—a fugitive lurking in the forests from a Brueghel painting, integrating the surreal flora and fauna of Bosch’s work with the scenery and history of deep Brittany. Her invented mythology is full of dark rituals and twisted mantras, supported by surprising sounds and textures from landscapes both earthly and unreal.