Nihilist Church: OBOL

Among the countless fictional creations of human culture, one in which every community seems to believe without exception is money. The value that is attributed to this invention permeates all spheres of life, reaching into the hereafter as well. According to the canon of Greek mythology, Obol is a coin that was ordered to be put into the mouth or hand of the deceased, so that he would have something to pay for the posthumous service of crossing the Styx.
The visual key of the upcoming exhibition is various types of abstract ornaments alluding to the intricate patterns, embossing and watermarks that determine the credibility of a particular denomination. In addition to painting and spatial objects, we intend to print a huge amount of our own worthless money, for the production of which we will use real funds raised on patronite. A business dresscode with trashy accessories applies.
Brothers and Sisters:
Paweł Baśnik / Justyna Baśnik / Jędrzej Sierpiński / Nikita Krzyżanowska / Jerzy Kaczmarek / Monika Przygodzka / Inside Job (Ula Lucińska, Michał Knychaus) / Krzyś Bykowski / Damian Florczak / Wiktoria Walendzik