• performance
  • when: 19/11/2016, 20/11/2016 (), at: 20:00
  • where: Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskiego, Sala Teatru Laboratorium
  • tickets: (Polski) Wstęp wolny

Dir. Christophe Rauck (production: Théâtre du Nord / CDN Lille / Tourcoing / Région  Hauts-de- France)

The Théâtre du Nord is one of 35 National Dramatic Centres in France to whom the public service mission seeks to defend and promote an accessible art theatre to the largest number.
Directed since the 1st of January 2014 by Christophe Rauck, the Théâtre du Nord and the Ecole du Nord have in common a new project. The Théâtre du Nord is a place of creation, gathering and opening. Theater should be a hive where all audiences, from the youngest to the most expert, can discover and feed on other artistic forms (dance, music). This is essential in the sharing space that represents theater.
If the identity of the Théâtre du Nord remains marked by the theatrical text, a central place is given to living writers.

Rémi De Vos wrote, at Christophe Rauck’s request, a monologue for actress Juliette Plumecocq-Mech.
It’s the story of a guy who’s having a beer in a bar and is verbally abused by some other guy. The story is told backwards by the victim himself, lying on the floor in front of a white screen.

How do you respond to violence when it is coming directly at you? How can you save your skin without getting hit? Over two Beethoven sonatas, Rémi De Vos unwinds, thanks to Christophe Rauck’s razor-sharp direction, the thread of thought of a character living on borrowed time. A magnificent personage, who we could all be, single-handedly played.

(Polski) Performance Théâtre du Nord: Całe życie robiłem rzeczy, których nie potrafię; reż. Christophe Rauck (produkcja: Théâtre du Nord / CDN Lille / Tourcoing / Région Hauts-de- France). Partnerem wydarzenia jest Instytut im. Jerzego Grotowskeigo.